Sustainable USJ

Our Vision

The CFS is dedicated to both on and off campus activities to increase, support and promote sustainability nationally and internationally in guidance with UN SDGs. The core elements of our mission involve:

Journey to a Carbon Neutral University

The CFS is working to convert the University to being the first carbon-neutral university in south Asia. In order to achieve this target, USJ and the CFS employ multiple strategies that include energy utilisation substitutions through installing solar panels and a biogas plant to self-generate sustainable energy. We are also working on offsetting university carbon with forest regeneration and restoration programs which provide a sizeable contribution to the carbon neutralization process in addition to biodiversity conservation. Ultimately, we seek a future filled with clean, fresh air for our students, staff and communities, so, together we’re forging a path to create it.

Achieving goals through key initiatives

  • Carbon offsetting: restoring 1000ha of forest land Energy efficiency 
  • Smart use of limited resources.
  • Renewable energy: Tapping into solar power and biogas generation.

Sustainable Landscapes and Thriving Habitats

We are highly focused on building resilient infrastructure and green landscaping in order to create safe, comfortable and eco-friendly surroundings in which students and staff can continue our vital projects and research. Expanding our academic community’s use of the outdoors by creating sustainable landscapes filled with native trees, local fauna and comfortable microclimates which offer places to gather in a natural setting. Our future campuses will be built with more green spaces and an eco-friendly infrastructure anticipated to provide enjoyment and create scholars who value nature and appreciate the rich biodiversity of the country. These multi-functional spaces will provide habitats for wildlife, offering havens to insect, reptile, bird and primate species. A clever and sustainable design of our gardens will see the continued installation of permeable pathways, rainwater harvesting systems and treatment networks to capture, reuse and repurpose water resources throughout our campus landscaping and infrastructure.

Key Initiatives

  • Biodiversity and soil health: Creating valuable habitats and productive gardens on campus.
  • Urban forest/microclimates: Growing a forest to create comfortable landscapes.
  • Water sensitive urban design: Building a passive support network for our living assets and waterways.
  • Harvesting: Building a water bank for landscape health and resilience

Building Sustainability

In the journey towards sustainability, we are focusing on preparing ourselves for a future which mostly depends on renewable energy. As a responsible government institution of research and teaching, we have identified that our buildings are the most significant users of energy. These are the places where our students and staff spend most of their time learning, researching, and creating revolutionary and imaginative concepts that will change the future. We see this as a huge opportunity to influence future world leaders to value sustainable living and work spaces. We are rethinking the design of our new buildings and retrofitting our old buildings to be state-of-the-art spaces for comfort and performance while reducing energy consumption.  We’re investing in world class design to create buildings which will house our community comfortably and productively. In this way, we are investing in assets which will retain their value long term and reduce material consumption as a result.

Key Initiatives

  • Passive House with rooftop solar systems: Creating comfortable and healthy buildings.
  • Building materials: Building healthy spaces from reusable and repurposed materials