Research Methods

Camera trapping: Camera traps are effective for studying biodiversity, ecology, population estimations and behaviour, and generating activity and spatial distribution patterns of mammals. This method is particularly efficient for detecting elusive or rare species such as Pangolins. Camera traps collect data day and night in a more consistent way than any other traditional methods. The resulting photographs also provide undeniable records, allowing a rapid assessment of the conservation status of the species in question. This study will utilize automatic IR triggered cameras stationed in Yagirala Forest Reserve, covering different habitat types. Different methods will be used to estimate the density for comparison purposes and to determine the best approach.

GPS/radio-tracking: The potential for radio-tracking wild-caught pangolins to monitor home-range size and habitat utilization has been demonstrated by previous works. We are using a combination of radio-telemetry and infrared-triggered camera traps to study the home range, activity cycle and den usage Pangolin.